Gus Cooney.



I have consulted for a variety of companies, including Broad Green Pictures, a production company in Los Angeles, where I developed a concept testing platform that reliably predicted opening weekend box office.

BetterUp, a successful tech company and professional coaching platform, where my research on conversational dynamics is helping employees have more meaningful and productive conversations at work.

THE Latest


The value of
belonging at work

The Value of Belonging at Work quantifies the tangible value of belonging in the workplace, and conversely, the cost of exclusion for individuals and teams. It also introduces specific interventions to boost resilience in the face of exclusion.

I develop and lead corporate seminars and workshops based on material from #1 ranked negotiations course at Wharton.

THE Latest


Embracing Complexity: A
Review of Negotiation Research

We negotiate daily with employers, coworkers, merchants, friends, romantic partners, children, and more. The outcomes of these negotiations affect the prices we pay, the sales we earn, where our next vacation will be, and whether our children will finish their vegetables.

I consulted for a Broad Green Pictures, a production company in Los Angeles, where I developed a concept testing platform that reliably predicted opening weekend box office.


Interests & hobbies

Embarking on adventures through skiing, immersing myself in diverse cultures through rugs and textiles, and finding serenity in the art of surfing – these are the passion that shape my life.